Special Events/Temporary Food
Is there an annual permit to cover a full season for temporary foods?
Yes! We offer three annual permits:
- Annual Sampling Permit: For vendors only providing individual sample portions of food/beverages.
- Annual Producer Permit: For vendors selling packaged agricultural products like nuts, eggs, USDA-stamped meat, and other agricultural items.
- Annual Itinerant Vendor Permit: For vendors participating in eight or more events per year. This permit allows unlimited event participation within the year, with a limit of 14 dates per single event. Additional equipment and a servicing area are required.
These permits are valid only for the calendar year in which they are purchased.
If I turn in a food permit application and pay the fee, have I been approved?
No. The application is subject to review and food service operations must comply with regulations. Incomplete applications may be rejected. Applications may also be rejected based on inability to contact the person in charge of food service, menu item restrictions, or operational concerns.
I am going to buy bulk muffins and bagels at my local grocery store and sell them individually at an event. Do I need a temporary food permit?
If food items that are not individually prepackaged and on-site preparation (opening of package and contact with food item) is required, a temporary food establishment permit must be obtained.
Can I prepare food for a Special Event at home?
Only registered cottage food operators can prepare food at home for a special event. All cottage food requirements must be followed including packaging and labeling requirements. Other than the above exception, no food preparation is allowed at a private residence for items served to the public.
All preparation of food for a special event must be conducted at the event or in a pre-approved permitted food establishment.
What is a cumulative maximum fee for special events/temporary food establishments?
A temporary food establishment which operates at the same special event, in the same location and serves the same menu for at least three times during a calendar year will be eligible for a cumulative maximum fee. The temporary food establishment will be charged the permit fee for the event multiplied by three. The operation of the temporary food establishment is limited to 14 days per calendar year.
Do I still need a permit if I am giving away food?
What food and beverage items are exempt from permit requirements?
- Bottled water, canned soft drinks.
- Coffee/Tea with powdered non-dairy creamer or ultra-pasteurized creamer packaged in individual servings (this exemption does not include beverages such as lattés and espressos that are mixed with dairy product or ice by the vendor during preparation).
- Commercially prepared acidic beverages (orange juice, lemonade, etc.) that are served from the original, properly labeled container without the addition of consumer ice or other regulated food product.
- Draft beer and other alcoholic beverages (wine) that are served without the addition of consumer ice or the addition of other regulated food product.
- Hermetically sealed and unopened containers of non-time/temperature control for safety food (TCS) etc.
- Hot chocolate prepared without the use of time/temperature control for safety food (TCS) dairy products.
- Non-time/temperature control for safety food (TCS) prepackaged baked goods with proper labeling from an approved source and requiring no on-site preparation (opening of package and contact with food item).
- Non-time/temperature control for safety food (TCS) and unopened prepacked foods from an approved source with proper labeling such as honey, jerked meats, potato chips, popcorn and other similar foods.
- Produce sold from a produce stand where no sampling (cuttin or slicing) or food preparation is done.
- Commercially prepared, prepackaged, and unopened ice cream that is appropriately labeled as to ingredients and manufacturer. Smoothie products (Jamba Juice and Keva Juice) made and prepackaged at the fixed permitted facility and appropriately labeled with ingredients and manufacturer.
- Shelled and unshelled nuts, including flavored nuts for sample or sale.
- Food Supplements that are offered for sample or sale without the addition of regulated food items. These include, but are not limited to vitamins, minerals, protein powder mixes, energy drinks, and herbal mixtures (excluding those containing unapproved additives such as CBD or kratom).
- Foods from an approved source prepared for a “cook-off” or judging contest in which food is not provided to the public.
Can I sell food made from a private home at my school or church fundraiser?
Yes. A religious, charitable or other nonprofit organization may, without possessing a permit from Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH), sell food to raise money, whether or not the food was prepared at a private home, if the sale occurs on the premises of the organization.
Is there a food permit fee exemption for veterans as in California?
No. County Finance has not passed any such exemptions for purchase of permits.
I am a grocery store and I would like to barbeque food outside and sell/serve the food inside. Do I need a temporary food permit?
No. If a fixed facility (grocery store, restaurant, etc.) already has a permit through Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH) Food Protection Program, and the food will be sampled inside the store, a temporary food permit is not required. If the establishment wishes to sample or sell food outside, a temporary food permit is required.
I am a grocery store and I would like to sample food inside my store. Do I need a temporary food permit?
No. If a fixed facility (grocery store, restaurant, etc.) already has a permit through Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH) Food Protection Program, and the food will be sampled inside the store, a temporary food permit is not required. If the establishment wishes to sample or sell food outside, a temporary food permit is required.
How far ahead of time must I purchase a Temporary Food Permit?
A temporary food permit must be obtained at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the event. Late fees apply to applications submitted within seven (7) days prior to the event.
I am an existing food establishment that would like to participate in a special event what do I do?
Existing food establishment permits do not extend outside of the approved fixed facility. Existing food establishments must obtain a Temporary Food Permit when operating outside of the approved facility.
I have a mobile food unit and would like to participate in a special event. Do I need a temporary food establishment permit?
I am going to have a tasting event where food is donated and sampled by patrons; do I need a temporary food permit?
A temporary food establishment permit must be obtained to cover each separate food vendor. Please contact this agency for available permitting options.
Can I prepare the food for a Special Event ahead of time at an approved facility?
Any food prep performed prior to the first day of a special event must receive prior approval from the NNPH. Advanced preparation details must be disclosed in the temporary food permit application. Cooking and cooling of food items in advance is usually not allowed.
I am a promoter and I would like to organize and put on a special event, what do I need to do?
The promoter must first contact the city or county business licensing department (Washoe County, City of Reno or City of Sparks) in which the event is going to be held to ensure the necessary permits/licenses are obtained in order to operate within the city/county limits. If the event’s daily attendance is equal to or exceeds 5,000 persons per day, or the total attendance over a fourteen (14) day period is equal to or exceeds 10,000 persons, the promoter must obtain an Application for a Special Event Permit from Northern Nevada Public Health.
Is there a reduced food permit fee for non-profits?
No. Non-profit fees were removed from the current fee schedule as of July 1, 2016.
What is a low risk food?
Examples of low risk food items include, samples given of any food item (including potentially hazardous foods), any beverage served in an open container with consumer ice, coffee drinks blended with dairy products (espresso, lattés), popcorn, pretzels, cotton candy, snow cones/shaved ice, funnel cakes, French fries, fried/cooked vegetables, roasted corn, churros, breads, pastries, nuts, sliced fruit (including melons), candy, fudge/chocolate.
What is a time/temperature control for safety food (TCS) food?
Time/temperature control for safety food (TCS) food includes any animal food (a food of animal origin) that is raw or heat-treated; a food of plant origin that is heat-treated or consists of raw seed sprouts; cut melons; and garlic-in-oil mixtures that are not modified in a way that prevents bacterial growth. Some examples of time/temperature control for safety food (TCS) food include, meat, poultry, fish, shell fish and crustaceans, milk and dairy products, cooked rice, and cooked beans, baked potatoes, tofu and soy protein foods, eggs (except those treated to eliminate Salmonella), raw sprouts, sliced melons, cut tomatoes, and cut leafy greens.
What is a special event?
A special event is a transitory gathering such as, but not limited to, an activity (including soccer, pickleball, baseball and softball league games), a celebration, festival or fundraiser which is open to the public.
What is a temporary food establishment?
A temporary food establishment is any food establishment which operates at a fixed location for a temporary period of time, not to exceed 14 consecutive days, in connection with a special event.
Last modified on 08/14/2023
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