Keep it Clean. Rack Em Up.

The Rack 'Em Up Program is one more component the Northern Nevada Public Health Air Quality Management Division (AQMD) is using to Keep It Clean. Rack 'Em Up supports bicycle advocacy through outreach and special events. Motor vehicles are the largest source of ozone pollution in Washoe County. The AQMD has joined with the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) and other government and non-government bicycle advocacy groups in the Truckee Meadows to promote safe and fun cycling. We work with the Truckee Meadows Bicycle Alliance on outreach and events such as Bike Month. For more information, go to

Truckee Meadows Bicycle Alliance - 


Bicycling Safety Tips

  1. Follow the law. Your safety and the image of bicyclists depend on you. You have the same rights and duties as drivers. Obey traffic signals and stop signs. Ride with traffic; use the rightmost lane headed in the direction you are going.
  2. Be predictable. Make your intentions clear to motorists and other road users. Ride in a straight line and don’t swerve between parked cars. Signal turns, and check behind you well before turning or changing lanes.
  3. Be conspicuous. Ride where drivers can see you; wear bright clothing. Use a front white light and red rear light and reflectors at night or when visibility is poor. Make eye contact with drivers. Don’t ride on sidewalks.
  4. Think ahead. Anticipate what drivers, pedestrians, and other bicyclists will do next. Watch for turning vehicles and ride outside the door zone of parked cars. Look out for debris, potholes, and utility covers. Cross railroad tracks at right angles.
  5. Ride Ready. Check your tires have sufficient air, brakes are working, chain runs smoothly, and quick release wheel levers are closed. Carry repair and emergency supplies appropriate for your ride. Wear a helmet.
  6. Keep your cool. Road rage benefits no-one and always makes a bad situation worse.

For more information about safe bicycling and laws:

Bicycling Facts

  • Adults who bike have better weight, blood pressure, and insulin levels.
  • Women who bike 30 minutes a day have a lower risk of breast cancer.
  • A 30+ minute round trip bicycle commute is associated with better mental health in men.
  • Adolescents who bicycle are 48% less likely to be overweight as adults.
  • Bike commuters report lower stress and greater feelings of freedom, relaxation, and excitement than car commuters.
  • Active commuting by cycling and walking is associated with reduced cardiovascular risk.
  • Short motor vehicle trips are a big source of emissions due to "cold starts."
  • For every mile pedaled instead of driven, nearly 1 pound of CO is saved.
  • Motor vehicles are the largest source of ozone pollution in Washoe County.
  • The average American household spends over $8,000 per year on owning and driving their cars- more than they spend on food!
  • Studies have shown that homes closer to bike paths are more valuable.


Last modified on 06/28/2024