Northern Nevada Public Health Preparedness Program

Whether it be in response to severe weather, earthquakes or terrorist threats, immediate and adequate public health preparation is crucial to saving lives and protecting against future health-related issues. Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH) Preparedness and Response Program is committed to providing our community with a wide variety of response elements which can be activated in any number of disaster scenarios we may experience in our area.

What do we do?

  • Provide training for the healthcare community and other partners on topics related to public health emergencies, such as bioterrorism or multi-casualty incidents
  • Provide accurate and up-to-date information to residents and visitors of our community through our website and local media
  • Participate in drills and exercises to test our ability to respond to an emergency
  • Write plans that will guide NNPH's response to a public health emergency
  • Conduct training for NNPH employees on department and county wide emergency plans
  • Coordinate the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) volunteers.


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Last modified on 06/21/2024