Washoe Suicide Prevention Alliance
Keep it Safe & Secure!
Attempting suicide can be an impulsive decision. The method (means) which someone attempts suicide with determines whether they survive the attempt. Temporarily restricting access to the most lethal means during a suicidal crisis can save lives.
If you are concerned about a loved one, temporarily “suicide-proofing” the home environment is critical. This includes:
Temporarily restricting access to all guns, medications (including over the counter drugs like Tylenol), and other common methods (lethal means) of suicide including ropes, belts, knifes, and even access to tall buildings / locations if needed.
Out-of-home gun storage can be especially helpful to persons in crisis at risk for suicide. Friends or family members, gun shops, pawn shops, local businesses and even some law enforcement agencies are often willing to consider temporary, voluntary gun storage during times of crisis.
Temporary Safe Gun Storage Map
This map is to help anyone seeking temporary, voluntary firearm storage options in Washoe County. Temporarily removing all access to firearms and ammunition is important to keep persons at risk for suicide safe for now. For more information, please visit our Temporary Safe Gun Storage page.
For free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones
Last modified on 09/09/2024
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