911 Education
An increase in non-emergency calls to 911 is placing a strain on dispatchers, first responders, and healthcare organizations. Please see list below of non-emergency phone numbers to use as an alternate.
Municipal - Non-emergency

Medical - Non-emergency

General - Non-emergency

An increase in non-emergency calls to 911 is placing a strain on dispatchers, first responders, and healthcare organizations. Regional response agencies are working together on a public education effort to draw attention to the over utilization of the 911 system and how that affects the response by emergency personnel to life-threatening emergencies. Below are two Public Service Announcements (PSAs) written and produced by local first responders in an effort to educate the public about 911.
Regional response agencies want to emphasize the importance of educating citizens on the 9-1-1 system and its appropriate uses:
- 9-1-1 is for police, fire and medical emergencies. It is not for matters like neighbor complaints, general medical questions, having a sick pet, or reporting a broken fire hydrant.
- Be sure to lock your phone before putting it in your purse or pocket.
- If you and/or others are not in immediate harm or danger use your respective jurisdictional non-emergency line.
Sparks Fire Department PSA
Sparks Police Department PSA
Carson City Sheriff’s Office PSA
Last modified on 10/09/2024
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